
Just Beauty - Secret Santa

In the week before Christmas, Just Beauty contacted me with an exciting opportunity! They ask if I would like to be part of a nail blogger secret Santa. I said yes of course! So they sent me a name across and I had to pick some items up to the value of £10, from the Just Beauty website, to gift to that person. These are the items that I was gifted.

The first item I used was this lovely Bluesky polish called Gilded Pleasure. It's a lovely gold polish with hints of green. It applied really nice and was opaque in two coats.

So the next two items didn't go as well unfortunately. The first one was some Mirror Chrome powder in silver. I used a no wipe top coat for the application. It applied ok over the black but it wasn't very clean. I tried it on colour pops first but I always got the grainy effect. It does have a chrome-ish finish but certainly not a mirror.

This is the Gold version of the Mirror Chrome Powder. I tried this over black on the swatch and as you can see it's not worked at all. It looks more bronze-ish than gold and it's very grainy. On colour pops, I tried it over an actual gold polish and it didn't do anything. I had high hopes for the gold one but I just couldn't get it to work.

This was an interesting thing to be part of and I hope the person that I gifted like their items! I did like mine it's just unfortunate that they didn't work for me.

Bye for now x

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