

Cirque Cerrillos with MoYou-Explorer stamping

I think I need to apologise to this beautiful polish as it has been sat in my drafts for quite a few months and it's actually one of my favourite colours!


CBL Edith and Fab Ur Nails stamping

OMG this polish is just divine! This is Edith from the new Overboard collection by Colors By Llarowe. I wanted so many polishes from this collection but I settled for a few for now and I had to have this one first. This is two coats topped with HK Girl Fast Dry Top Coat.


HPB Presents Beach nails - Barry M and Uber Chic

I have another link-up post from the lovely gals down at Hobby Polish Bloggers and this months theme is Beach. I've been wanting to buy the Uber Chic plates for a while and when this theme was announced I knew I had to buy them.


Water Marble mani

So I recently bought the Pure Color 7 water marble tool from What's Up Nails as I had seen a lot of water marble manis that had been done using this tool and they looked awesome!