

Kaleidoscope Nails With SensatioNail Taupe Tulips and MoYou

This week I went to see the The Script at the First Direct Arena in Leeds. I love The Script and I have seen them three time now. I usually go with my Mum and Sister so It's a nice girls day :) On their third album, #3, they had a song called Kaleidoscope which inspired me to do this mani.


Creative Shop Stamper Review

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Hey everyone. I am totally in love with this stamper! There has been a big hype about the Creative Shop Stamper so I decided to purchase one and it has not disappointed me at all. 


Turquoise Stone Sharpie Nail Art

There's been a big hype lately about using Alcohol Inks and Sharpie Pens to get a marbled effect with gel I thought I would give it a try!


Pet Shop Bowl Review

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I have something very different for you today. I was contacted by the people at Pet Shop Bowl and they asked me to review some of their products. Although this is a nail blog I couldn't resist the opportunity to feature Maddie on it again!


Simple Stamped Valentines Mani

Happy Valentines day everyone. Hope you are all having a nice day. Me and my boyfriend don't celebrate Valentines so it's just a normal day for me. 


Valentines Skittle

Happy blogiversary to me...well nearly, it will be one year on the 8th! I can't believe I wrote my first blog post a whole year ago, I feel I have improved a lot since then. It's been a great first year, even though I went MIA for a few months, but thanks for sticking around guys :) I hope to do a give-away in the near future so watch this space and hopefully I will be able to sort something. On to the mani!